Nora Roque
ESS Consultant
Education Support Services Group
Cell: (310) 722-9170
Nora Roque has served in California’s public school systems as a Human Resources Coordinator/Credential Analyst, Coordinator of Administrative Services, Director of Classified Personnel and, most recently, as Chief Human Resources Officer for the Inglewood Unified School District. During her time in human resources, she negotiated three-year contracts twice with both certificated and classified bargaining units in a district under state receivership. She has developed positive working relationships with unions, resulting in regular roundtable at district level and collaboration on calendar committee, curriculum/instruction committees, and a benefits committee.
She earned both her Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration (HRM emphasis) and her master of arts in human resources management, with an emphasis on organizational development, at National University.
Ms. Roque is particularly adept in the areas of leadership/communication skills, team building, contract negotiations, employee relations, staff motivation, and organizational restructure and change, and has undergone training at the ACSA Personnel Academy, the SCPCA Merit System Academy, and the ACSA Personnel Institutes. She is a member of the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) and a retired member of the Association for California School Administrators (ACSA).