Karen E. Reed, Ed.D.
ESS Consultant
Education Support Services Group
Cell: (626) 824-2877
Dr. Karen Reed has over 30 years of experience in K-12 education, including an aggregate 19 years as a principal or assistant superintendent and 11 years as a K-12 teacher. Additionally, she has taught at the university level as an adjunct professor for the past 17 years.
Following undergraduate study at Pasadena City College and California State University, Los Angeles, Dr. Reed received her master’s in educational administration from California State University, Los Angeles, and then her doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Southern California.
She has held several leadership positions in professional organizations, including the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) as ACSA Region XV, State Representative, Human Resource Council; ACSA Region XV Charter: President, East San Gabriel Administrators Association; and ACSA Region XV, Board of Directors, Director of Committee Chairs. Dr. Reed has also served as a board member on the California State University, Los Angeles, Educational Administration Advisory Committee since 2006.
Particular skills and knowledge include: effective instructional practices, including technology integration; student services and the student discipline process (restorative justice practices, and suspension and expulsion); special education; labor and employment law; and the Education Employment Relations Act (EERA). Dr. Reed also possesses exceptional knowledge of education laws, including the Brown Act, and labor relations and collective bargaining techniques (interest-based, core values, and “traditional” bargaining).
Some areas of professional development Dr. Reed has undertaken are School Finance and Management (School Services); LCFF and LCAP Development (LACOE); Superintendents Academy (ACSA); Curriculum and Instruction Academy (ACSA); and Negotiators Certification Academy (ACSA and SEAC).